politique de confidentialité

Social4you provides every member of society with a platform to ensure freedom of expression.
All rules are according to Austrian and EU law.

What data do we collect?
IP address
Key data of the end device (type of device, browser, language settings,..)
all user input
What do we do with the data?
IP address
Without these, no website would work. We only pass on the IP address to others in the event of a court decision.
Key data of the end device
The presentation of the website depends on the end device. The language settings are also automatically set to the values ​​set in the end device.
Submissions from Users
All data is stored permanently and only deleted upon request by the user or his own action.
We only pass on personal data to authorities on the basis of a court order.
For advertising purposes, anonymous data is used without exception, such as: age, gender, country,...

All data is stored and processed in the European Union.

What rights do I have to my data?

In short, ALL.
With a valid registration you agree to all rules and obligations, but you can voluntarily have all data deleted at any time. (Visible in profile at any time)
It is not possible to restore an account deleted by the user or by us. (because we really delete)

How is the data backed up?

All data is transmitted in encrypted form. Sensitive data such as passwords, bank details,... are also stored in encrypted form in a database in Austria.


How long is the data stored?

All data is currently stored indefinitely. All data will only be permanently and irretrievably deleted if a user is deleted by us or by them.

Are statistics collected?

We have not deactivated the statistics, which are automatically generated by our servers.
However, in order to be able to process this data better, we use Motamo as an analysis tool. However, this is managed by us and does not send any data to third parties.

How can I ask whom?

Probably the quickest way would be to send a message to "toisbe". For ease of reading, an e-mail to office@tois.be is possible.
We are constantly trying to respond to all questions as quickly as possible. Nevertheless, an answer can occasionally take several days.

Cookies and other technologies used

As soon as a link on our website refers to another website, cookies are set by the linked page. This is no longer in our power.
We set purely "functional cookies" to make the operation of tois.be as convenient as possible.

Registering and/or logging in via social networks such as Meta, Twitter, etc. in turn, sets cookies and data on the respective networks.
In this case, the data protection regulations of the respective provider apply.


What we do NOT use

No google analytics, meta pixel, or similar.
All data belongs to the users!